Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The Two Who Started It All

Meet Judy and Larry.  They're guilty. 

Guilty of providing:

endless love
experienced sailing knowledge
ships great and small
summer jobs teaching sailing lessons 
sunsets and smiles
life counsel 
lodging at their tiny cottage on the shores of a lake

and all to a young boy who soaked it all in and became what he is today:

a man who desires to be like them in heart, mind and soul
a teacher who learned from the best
a proud owner of his first BIG sailboat
a father of their grandchildren

  a son who smiles at the sun setting on the horizon, knowing he has had one of life's greatest gifts.....

the gift of their presence all the days of his life.

s/v NP

Image:  Tom


1 comment:

Lauren said...

Cute. What an inspiration they have been!

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